Ms. Hokkanen and the STEAM students created wind turbines intended to do more than just produce electricity.
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
Wind turbine
Wind turbine
Wind turbine
Students in Ms. Cardenas' class created skull designs after learning about them in a book and movie. Students applied what they learned and decorated them with colored glue to memorialize their work.
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
Dia de los Muertos Skulls
Dia de los Muertos Skulls
HMS varsity basketball played a close game against Unity that came down to the final shot. Nice playing Sailors. Keep up the great work!
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
Drive to the hoop
Free throws
Pass it around
Halloween at Wharton
over 5 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Wharton Elementary
Wharton Elementary
Wharton Elementary
Wharton Elementary
Halloween at Wharton
over 5 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Wharton Elementary
Wharton Elementary
Wharton Elementary
Wharton Elementary
Matt Wilhelm Presentation on Bullying
over 5 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Matt Wilhelm Presentation on Bullying
Matt Wilhelm Presentation on Bullying
Matt Wilhelm Presentation on Bullying
Matt Wilhelm Presentation on Bullying
8th grade scholars learned about the Industrial Revolution and this group created Spray on Jeans. Such great innovation happening at HMS!
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
Spray on Jeans
HMS students lending a hand at the Día de los Muertos celebration!
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
HMS cheer selling popcorn and candy
HMS leadership team
HMS Student Council is helping out veterans by taking donations to give back to those who gave so much. Help us help others by giving just one item and we'll have over 500 items to share! (See flyer for more information)
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
Veterans' Donations
ART FOR THE SKY Walker School staff and students want to thank Mr. Daniel Dancer for his commitment to the environment, creating interactive artwork, and bringing people across the world closer together. We are truly grateful to have worked with you. Thank you to all Walker School staff and students who created and composed this artwork together. Thank you to the Bedford Park Fire Department, Mrs. Taloff and the Bedford Park Community Staff, the Bedford Park Police Department, Steve and CJ from Alpa Construction, and all the community and family support that went into this collaborative project. The link to our video Once Upon a Tree:
over 5 years ago, Amanda Venegonia
Whole School
Chicago Blackhawks staff members came to Wharton Today!
over 5 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
GOAL—go out and learn   The Blackhawks National Hockey organization chose Wharton School as one of the schools to visit and put on a G.O.A.L. (go out and learn) clinic.  They sent out four employees (coaches) to spend one hour with two separate groups of students on Monday, October 28th, 2019.  The coaches showed the students how to properly hold the hockey stick and how to safely stickhandle (move the ball with control).  The second skill was learning how to get past a defensive player with success.  Lastly, the students/coaches played a game.  They rotated in in “lines” as they do in a real hockey game.  It was extremely exciting for the students.   The students really enjoyed the clinic and were given Blackhawk pencil/ruler kit for being participants in the clinic.  The Blackhawks organization donated some hockey balls, hockey sticks, hockey pinnies, and two small hockey nets.   Thank you so much, CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS  ! ! !
Chicago Blackhawks staff members came to Wharton Today!
Chicago Blackhawks staff members came to Wharton Today!
The HMS Halloween Dance on Friday was great fun for all and the students enjoyed themselves. Thanks for making it a great evening!
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
Halloween Dance
Halloween Line Dancing
Halloween Dance
HMS Spirit Week begins tomorrow! $1/day contribution, all attire must be school appropriate. No slides, no hoodies & no ripped jeans
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
HMS Fall Spirit Week
Art for the Sky Tomorrow begins our journey with an amazing artist in residence. Daniel Dancer will be working with Walker Elementary for the next 3 days creating artwork with all students and staff. This special kind of art can be appreciated in all its grandeur from the sky, but the real work is happening on the ground. All students and staff working together to create something bigger than ourselves. That is what we strive to do every day! The big creation event should begin around 12:30 on Thursday if any parents, family, or community would like to come and watch it unfold. THURSDAY ALL WALKER STUDENTS WEAR GREEN
over 5 years ago, Amanda Venegonia
Be the Change
We are so proud of our kids at Walker. They are focused on academics and enjoy lessons masterly crafted by their teachers.
over 5 years ago, Amanda Venegonia
Third graders using Reflex Math.
Wharton Fire Safety
over 5 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Great job to all District 104 cross country runners!
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
District 104 Cross Country Sectionals
District 104 Cross Country Sectionals
District 104 Cross Country Sectionals
District 104 Cross Country Sectionals
Great day for Cross Country Sectionals! Go Heritage Middle School!!
over 5 years ago, Superintendent
Student of the Month
over 5 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Wharton Elementary - Student of the Month
Teaming up for Tovar - District 104 raised $3,693 today from the generous contributions of the students, families and community. Thank you! |:| El Distrito 104 recaudó $3,693 hoy de las generosas contribuciones de los estudiantes, las familias y la comunidad. ¡Gracias a todos!
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett