Summit Park District Summer Programs (2)
over 5 years ago, Robert Bassett
Summit Park District Tumbling Program
Summit Park District Yoga Class
Summit Park District Summer Programs
over 5 years ago, Heritage Middle School
Summit Summer Dance Program
Summit Park District Summer Programs
Summit Summer Volleyball Program
HMS Field Day 2019
almost 6 years ago, Superintendent
HMS Field Day Sack Race
Graduation! It's almost time!
almost 6 years ago, Summit School District 104
Annual 5th Grade Luncheon At Wharton School is about to begin!
almost 6 years ago, Superintendent
Annual 5th Grade Luncheon
District 104 Cinco de Mayo Celebration is about to begin!
almost 6 years ago, Central Office
Have our district app yet? Check it out!
almost 6 years ago, Summit School District 104
District 104 app
Graves Internet Safety Program April 10th 6:00 p.m
almost 6 years ago, Graves
SD104 Heritage Middle School Athletics: Sailors Varsity Volleyball
almost 6 years ago, School District 104
SD104 Heritage Middle School Athletics: Sailors Varsity Volleyball
SD104 Heritage Middle School Athletics: Sailors Varsity Volleyball
SD104 Heritage Middle School Athletics: Sailors Varsity Volleyball
Summit SD104 Wharton Elementary School is “In the News and On-Air!” NBC 5 Broadcasts ‘Enchanted Backpack’ Donation of $20,000 Grant to Wharton Elementary School! (NBCCHICAGO.COM)
almost 6 years ago, School District 104
NBC 5 Broadcasts "Enchanted Backpack' Donation of $20,000 to SD104 Wharton Elementary School
Wharton Spring Picture Day Friday, April 05, 2019
almost 6 years ago, Gigi Garza
Classes will resume for all schools on Monday, April 1.
almost 6 years ago, Summit School District 104
Welcome Back
Argo High School All Band Concert Saturday, March 16, 2019
almost 6 years ago, Superintendent
District 104 Band
Photo of bands
2019 STEM Expo
almost 6 years ago, Superintendent
Air speed experiment
Floating letter experiment
Expanding foam experiment
HMS 8th Grade Asssemby
about 6 years ago, Superintendent
Argo High School Varsity Pom Squad performs for HMS 8th Grade.