NO SCHOOL - May 29th, 2023 in observance of Memorial Day NO HAY CLASES - 29 de mayo de 2023 en conmemoración del Día de los Caídos
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
memorial day
Graves students and parents: Please click on the link below for the latest newsletter: Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el último boletín:
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
HMS students and parents: Please click on the link below for the latest newsletter: Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el último boletín:
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Walsh students and parents: Please click on the link below for the latest newsletter: Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el último boletín:
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Walker students and parents: Please click on the link below for the latest newsletter: Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el último boletín:
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Walsh Roller Skating Day
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Walsh Field Day
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Wharton students and parents: Please click on the link below for the latest newsletter: Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el último boletín:
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Walker Field Day was a huge success. Thank you to all the parent volunteers, staff members, and students for doing such an amazing job. Special thanks to Mrs. Torringa and Ms. Millet for organizing and running this event. Walker Field Day fue un gran éxito. Gracias a todos los padres voluntarios, miembros del personal y estudiantes por hacer un trabajo tan increíble. Un agradecimiento especial a la Sra. Torringa y la Sra. Millet por organizar y llevar a cabo este evento.
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Steele and Lemick’s class did a follow up to our Arts professional development with William Estrada and made plushies. Ms. Augustinas also had them write short stories about the fictional characters they created. La clase de Steele y Lemick hizo un seguimiento de nuestro desarrollo profesional en Artes con William Estrada e hizo peluches. La Sra. Augustinas también les pidió que escribieran historias cortas sobre los personajes ficticios que crearon.
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Congratulations to the HMS graduating class of 2023! Reach for the stars and move mountains, each and every one of you will do great things! Valedictorian: Gwendolyn Yoe Salutatorians: Ayesha Ajmal & Janvi Patel Bernabe Tovar Award for Excellence of Service: Karolina Bukowski Due to technical difficulties 2023 graduation photo uploads have been delayed, more will be uploaded as soon as possible.
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Can't make it to the HMS 8th Grade Graduation tonight? Stream it here at 7:00 PM. ¿No puedes asistir a la graduación de octavo grado de HMS esta noche? Transmítelo aquí a las 7:00 PM.
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
The day our 8th graders have been waiting for, 8th Grade Graduation! What a milestone this is. Embrace and remember this day and all the memories you will make today! Doors Open: 6:00 PM Start Time: 7:00 PM Location: Wintrust Sports Complex in Bedford Park *Graduates please do not arrive no later than 6:30 PM
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
The last day of school for K-7th students is quickly approaching! Last Day of School: May 31st Late Start: 8:50 AM Early Dismissal: 1:50 PM SUMMER BREAK IS ALMOST HERE! ¡El último día de clases para los estudiantes de K-7 se acerca rápidamente! Último día de clases: 31 de mayo Inicio tardío: 8:50 a. m. Salida temprano: 1:50 p. m. ¡LAS VACACIONES DE VERANO ESTÁN CASI AQUÍ!
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR RETURNING STUDENTS! ¡LA INSCRIPCIÓN EN LÍNEA YA ESTÁ ABIERTA PARA LOS ESTUDIANTES QUE REGRESAN! English/inglés: https://registration.powerscho... Spanish/español: https://registration.powerscho... Online Registration for new students is also available. Please contact the District SRO to verify residency and receive further instructions. Contact Mr. Armando Dominguez: (708) 546-6573 La inscripción en línea para nuevos estudiantes también está disponible. Comuníquese con el SRO del distrito para verificar la residencia y recibir más instrucciones. Comuníquese con el Sr. Armando Domínguez: (708) 546-6573
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Band concert - May 23, 2023 - 7:00 PM - HMS Gymnasium
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Our 8th graders' are beginning to count their days until they begin high school! HMS 8th Grade Graduation is May 24th, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Wintrust Sports Complex in Bedford Park.
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
8th grade
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Cook County School District 104 Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new administrative building and secure entrances at Wharton and Walker School. Thank you to the village mayors, Senator Porfirio, Superintendent Toulios, trustees, and the District community who came out to the SD104 Groundbreaking Ceremony. As mentioned multiple times on Saturday our students are at the forefront of this project. These secure entrances will provide students with a secure and safe environment for learning and being children.
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104
Join School District 104 TOMORROW, May 20th for the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Cook County School District 104 Administrative Building and the secure entrance additions for Wharton and Walker School. The ceremony will begin at 8:00 AM at the new Cook County School District 104 Administrative Building location, 7509 63rd St, Summit, IL 60501. The ceremony will then proceed to Wharton School, and end at Walker School. Light refreshments will be available at Walker School. Please see the attached invitation for details. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Summit School District 104