Please bring 1 of the following: Driver's License, Consular Registration, Passport, ITIN or SSN Only last 4 digits of SSN - You may use your PK-8 grade student's SSN
Traiga 1 de los siguientes: Licencia de conducir, Registro consular, Pasaporte, ITIN o SSN Solo los últimos 4 dígitos del SSN: puede usar el SSN de su estudiante de grado PK-8
"You like to move it, move it. We like to move it, move it. MOVE IT!" Join SD04 for a Family Zumba Class on May 9th at 6 PM
Registration Link:
"Te gusta moverlo, moverlo. A nosotros nos gusta moverlo, moverlo. ¡MUÉVELO!" Únase a SD04 para una clase familiar de Zumba el 9 de mayo a las 6 p.m.
Enlace de registro:
¡G... es para el día del jueGos H... es para el día Hawaiano I…es para el día Internacional (5 de mayo)! Estudiantes de la escuela lenguaje dual Graves demostrando su orgullo escolar mientras participan en la cuenta regresiva ABC para las vacaciones de verano.
G…is for Game Day H…is for Hawaiian Day I…is for International Day (5 de mayo)! Graves Dual Language School students in the school spirit as they participate in the ABC Countdown to Summer Break.
"You like to move it, move it. We like to move it, move it. MOVE IT!" Join SD04 for a Family Zumba Class on May 9th at 6 PM
Registration Link:
"Te gusta moverlo, moverlo. A nosotros nos gusta moverlo, moverlo. ¡MUÉVELO!" Únase a SD04 para una clase familiar de Zumba el 9 de mayo a las 6 p.m.
Enlace de registro:
Summer School registration is now OPEN! Click the link for enrollment:
- AM and PM sessions
- Monday - Friday
- Transportation and food services provided
¡La inscripción para la escuela de verano ya está ABIERTA! Haga clic en el enlace para registrarse:
- Sesiones AM y PM
- Lunes - Viernes
- Servicios de transporte y alimentación proporcionados.
The School District 104 Board of Education welcomed its new board members at last night's meeting, Evelyn Rangel and Luleta Dardovski. We know you will have a positive impact on our school and students. They also recognized Lorena Leon and Eloy Frias for their years of service as board members for School District 104. We thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
Mr. Villa from our Maintenance Department, volunteering his time to read with one of our students from Graves Dual Language School.
El Sr. Villa de nuestro Departamento de Mantenimiento, ofreciendo su tiempo como voluntario para leer con uno de nuestros estudiantes de la Escuela de Lenguaje Dual de Graves.
Are you ready to get your move on?! Join SD04 for a Family Zumba Class on May 9th at 6 PM
Registration Link:
¿Estás listo para hacer tu movimiento? Únase a SD04 para una clase familiar de Zumba el 9 de mayo a las 6 p.m.
Enlace de registro:
Happy National Teacher Appreciation Day! We want to thank all our wonderful teachers at School District 104. You are the greatest mentors and drivers of inclusion. We appreciate you today and every day!
The Kindergarten students at Walker got to visit the Bedford Park Fire Station today. They were able to learn about fire safety, what a firefighter looks like in all their gear, and learn about the tools needed for the job. The best part is they had so much fun as they were learning. A big thank you to the Bedford Park Fire Station!
Los estudiantes de Kindergarten en Walker visitaron la Estación de Bomberos de Bedford Park hoy. Pudieron aprender sobre seguridad contra incendios, cómo se ve un bombero con todo su equipo y aprendieron sobre las herramientas necesarias para el trabajo. La mejor parte es que se divirtieron mucho mientras aprendían. ¡Muchas gracias a la estación de bomberos de Bedford Park!
Members of the Summit and Bedford Park Police Departments joined the students and staff of Heritage and Graves in a friendly game on the court on Monday. The officers were uniformed in their pink school T-shirts first played the students and were able to get a win by the ringing of the ending buzzer. The students then played against the teachers and the teachers were triumphant. Finally, the police officers played against the teachers but were outmatched by superior basketball skills.
HMS students and parents:
Please click on the link below for the latest newsletter:
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el último boletín:
Affordable Connectivity Program/Programa de Conectividad Asequible
Join School District 104 on May 20th for the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Cook County School District 104 Administrative Building and the secure entrance additions for Wharton and Walker School. The ceremony will begin at 8:00 AM at the new Cook County School District 104 Administrative Building location, 7509 63rd St, Summit, IL 60501. The ceremony will then proceed to Wharton School, and end at Walker School. Light refreshments will be available at Walker School. Please see the attached invitation for details.
We hope to see you there!
SD104 Regular Board Meeting TIME CHANGE
Date: May 3rd
Time: 7:30 PM
Location: HMS/Graves
SD104 Reunión Ordinaria de la Junta CAMBIO DE TIEMPO
Fecha: 3 de mayo
Hora: 7:30 PM
Ubicación: HMS/Graves
Happy May 1st! Let the countdown begin! 24 days until 8th Grade Graduation and 31 days until the Last Day of School!
Are you ready to get your move on?! Join SD04 for a Family Zumba Class on May 9th at 6 PM
Registration Link:
¿Estás listo para hacer tu movimiento? Únase a SD04 para una clase familiar de Zumba el 9 de mayo a las 6 p.m.
Enlace de registro:
Museum of Science and Industry Field Trip with 6th and 8th Grade After School Programs!
¡Excursión al Museo de Ciencias e Industria con programas extracurriculares de sexto y octavo grado!
Graves students and parents:
Please click on the link below for the latest newsletter:
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el último boletín:
Minute to win it challenges - teachers vs students at Wharton!