A BIG WHARTON THANK YOU to one of our (anonymous) parents for the bin of goodies and the encouraging card. We are so lucky to have the support of our families.
Free Breakfast & Lunch Pick-Up at Wharton
Meal Service for Wharton will begin on Tuesday, September 8th from 10:30am to 12:00pm.
All parents/guardians and/or students arriving for daily meal pick up will:
1) Enter through door #8 (1) one person at a time and maintain a 6’-foot social distance at all times.
2) Enter wearing a face-mask.
3) Hand-sanitize before retrieving a meal pack and/or snack-pack.
4) Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will provide the name(s) of all ENROLLED SD104 student(s) for their household only. SD104 student school ID is not required and students do not need to be present for parent/guardian pick up of student meals.
Enrolled Students arriving to pick up meals will provide their name and may receive their one take-home meal AND may pick up one take-home meal per enrolled SD104 student household-sibling. SD104 student school ID is not required.
Each enrolled K-8 SD104 student will receive (1) FREE take-home combo Grab ‘N Go meal pack complete with Grab ‘N Go Breakfast and Lunch, 100% fruit juice and milks [per day, per student].
6) Exit through the adjacent side of the doorway to the outside.
Technology Basic Training tonight!!! 6 pm
Prepare for e-learning, learn your device, set up email.
Links for the first day of school:
Ms. Penrod https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6306677944?pwd=UzhhSmZkWjJjYU1SNHhaaEd6R282UT09
Mrs. Reyes https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78679926070?pwd=SjN2dUNWZWptakM4RTBhejFSL21WUT09
Ms. Xheraj https://us04web.zoom.us/j/75439493070?pwd=Q1kydVBieVp6bHNuV0x6U084U1A5Zz09
Ms. Vega https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73444182101?pwd=NjdxTFMrN3FYYU1TQjNvbTFTTWxoQT09
Mrs. Egner https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89811775599?pwd=d0lXUWdTNENSZkJLVkVMc1JmTVJSUT09
Mrs. Steele https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89286046532?pwd=TmNoWmI0ZTdyWFlYaS9XdDZraHR6dz09
Mr. Murphy https://teams.microsoft.com/dl/launcher/launcher.html?type=meetup-join&deeplinkId=97252edc-f7f2-4d09-83eb-db0238d60a15&directDl=true&msLaunch=true&enableMobilePage=true&url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Ad1778a8cdcce4a15ae0b887555193bbf@thread.tacv2%2F1598453245012%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%25229f1ed751-8eb2-4036-8b65-6a0cbdf47d5c%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%252260c6bf54-c733-499a-99d3-b8dcde7c830a%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&suppressPrompt=true
Ms. Kirscher https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82570041814?pwd=eTVDOERjdmkvTTF5N1RHeUZ4MWsvdz09
If you were not able to get into the Zoom Open House, please click on the following link to access it.
Passcode: n$kS=Pb0
Wharton Supply and Device Pick-up
Please bring your device and charger from last year to turn in at Friday’s supply pick-up. Students will be issued new devices this year. Contact the office at 708.458.0640 with questions.
Suministro de Wharton y recogida de computadora
Traiga su computadora y cargador del año pasado para entregarlos en la recogida de suministros del viernes. Los estudiantes recibirán nuevos computadoras este año. Comuníquese con la oficina al 708.458.0640 con preguntas.
Please join our open house and meet the Wharton staff on Wednesday, August 26 at 11:00 on Zoom.
Reminder Tonight at 6:00 is the Virtual Town Hall Meeting. Please click the link below for more information. https://www.sd104.us/article/281484?org=summit-sd
Wharton Supply and Device Pickup On Friday, August 28th, supplies and devices will be distributed for remote learning. We ask that students/parents arrive at the main entrance (door 1) during their assigned time-frame, wear a face covering, and practice social distancing. Please bring your device from last year to exchange for your new device. Times for pickup are as follows. Please contact the main office at 708.458.0640 with any questions. Pickup Time Student’s Last Name Beginning with the Letter 8:00-9:00 A-C 9:00-10:00 D-H 10:00-11:00 I-M 12:00-1:00 N-R 1:00-2:00 S-Z
Recogida de Útiles y Computadoras de Wharton El viernes 28 de agosto, se distribuirán útiles y computadoras para el aprendizaje remoto. Pedimos que los estudiantes/padres lleguen a la entrada principal (puerta 1) durante su tiempo asignado, lleven una cubierta facial y practiquen distanciamiento social. Por favor, traiga su computadora del año pasado para cambiar por su nuevo computadora. Los horarios de recogida son los siguientes. Comuníquese con la oficina principal al 708.458.0640 si tiene alguna pregunta. Hora de recogida Apellido del estudiante comenzando con la letra 8:00-9:00 A-C 9:00-10:00 D-H 10:00-11:00 I-M 12:00-1:00 N-R 1:00-2:00 S-Z
First Day of Remote Learning 08/31/2020
Wharton Memories 2019-2020
Thank You
Happy Nurses Day Mrs. Bukowski
E-Learner of the Week
Thank You Wharton Staff!!
E-Learner of the Week
Student of the Month
E-Learner of the Week
E-Learner of the Week
Please contact the school if you still need to get your Chromebook.