Wharton students and parents: Please click on the link below for the latest newsletter: https://www.smore.com/azbmg Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para ver el último boletín: https://www.smore.com/azbmg
almost 2 years ago, Summit School District 104
Dear Parents, If you received a vision referral for your student and they saw the eye doctor over Christmas break, please send a copy of the exam to the school office. If your student received a vision referral and has not seen the eye doctor, please follow up as soon as possible. If your child cannot see they cannot learn. Thank you! Si recibió una referencia de la vista para su estudiante y vio al oftalmólogo durante las vacaciones de Navidad, envíe una copia del examen a la oficina de la escuela. Si su estudiante recibió una remisión de la vista y no ha visto al oftalmólogo, haga un cita lo mas pronto posible. Si su hijo(a) no puede ver, no puede aprender. ¡Gracias! ​Sincerely​, Lynn Burke BSN,RN,NCSN Lead Nurse School District 104 Wharton School Nurse 708-458-0640 ext. 7226
almost 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
January 12, 2022 Dear Parents: I hope this letter continues to find you and your family safe and well. Thank you for all the hard work that has made the past week of remote learning a success. Thanks to your efforts, we have experienced the highest percentage of student attendance this past week of the 2021-22 School Year. I am happy to report, that although we have technically not hit the peak of the Covid-19 Omicron wave, new case numbers in Summit are trending downward. Given that new Covid-19 case numbers are declining I have made the decision, with input from district stakeholders, to end the “adaptive pause” on Friday, January 14th. As initially planned, we will return to in-person learning on Tuesday, January 18th. Please note that on any given day, particular schools may shift to a one-day adaptive pause if there is a sever shortage of staff at that building. Parents will be informed of this decision in as timely a manner as possible. Please note that on any given day, particular schools may shift to a one-day eLearning Day if there is a severe shortage of staff at that building. Parents will be informed of this decision in as timely a manner as possible. You can view the District 104 eLearning Plan by visiting our website at https://coredocs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/883077/SD104_eLearning_Plan.pdf As we return to in-person instruction, it is imperative that we all work together to keep our students and staff well. The most important action we can take as a school community is to keep our children home when they are not well. Parents are asked to do their part and monitor the health of their children on a daily basis. Please do not send your child to school if they are experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms. Please stay well and continue to wear face coverings and follow social distance guidelines. Sincerely, Dr. Troy Whalen, Superintendent 12 de enero 2022 Queridos padres: Espero que esta carta continúe encontrándolo a usted y a su familia sanos y salvos. Gracias por todo el arduo trabajo que hizo que la última semana de aprendizaje remoto fuera un éxito. Gracias a sus esfuerzos, hemos experimentado el porcentaje más alto de asistencia estudiantil la semana pasada del año escolar 2021-22. Me complace informar que, aunque técnicamente no hemos alcanzado el pico de la ola de Covid-19 Omicron, los números de casos nuevos en Summit está disminuyendo. Dado que el número de casos nuevos de Covid-19 está disminuyendo, he tomado la decisión, con el aporte de las partes interesadas del distrito, de finalizar la "pausa adaptativa" el viernes 14 de enero. Como se planeó inicialmente, volveremos al aprendizaje en persona el martes 18 de enero. Tenga en cuenta que en un día determinado, las escuelas en particular pueden cambiar a una pausa adaptativa de un día si hay una gran escasez de personal en ese edificio. Los padres serán informados de esta decisión tan pronto como sea posible. Tenga en cuenta que en un día determinado, las escuelas en particular pueden cambiar a un día de aprendizaje remoto de un día si hay una grave escasez de personal en ese edificio. Los padres serán informados de esta decisión tan pronto como sea posible. Puede ver el Plan de aprendizaje electrónico del Distrito 104 visitando nuestro sitio web en: https://coredocs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/883077/SD104_eLearning_Plan.pdf A medida que volvemos a la instrucción en persona, es imperativo que todos trabajemos juntos para mantener bien a nuestros estudiantes y al personal. La acción más importante que podemos tomar como comunidad escolar es mantener a nuestros hijos en casa cuando no se encuentran bien. Se pide a los padres que hagan su parte y controlen la salud de sus hijos a diario. No envíe a su hijo a la escuela si tiene algún síntoma de Covid-19. Atentamente, Dr. Troy Whalen, Superintendente
almost 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Dear Parents: I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well. Unfortunately, with the emergence of the Covid-19 Omicron Variant, we are once again experiencing a substantial increase in the number of positive Covid-19 cases in our community. Over the past week, we have observed the positivity rate for our community exceed 23%. Our staff has also contracted the virus and/or been exposed to the virus in growing numbers making it difficult to fully staff our schools. Following the guidance form the Illinois State Board of Education, school districts may take an “adaptive pause” and switch to remote learning to slow, or prevent, Covid-19 transmission. Given the high number of new cases of Covid-19 and staffing shortages we will be taking an adaptive pause with all students returning to 100% remote learning. In order to allow teachers time to prepare for remote learning we have scheduled a teacher institute on Thursday, January 6th. Building principals will also use this day to schedule appointments for any student who needs to pick up their electronic device that the student will need for remote learning. If your student needs their electronic device please contact your building principal to schedule a pick up time. Students will log in for the first day of remote learning on Friday, January 7th following the schedule below. Remote Learning Schedule Thursday, January 6th No School - Teacher Institute Day Friday, January 7th to Friday January 14th Remote Learning (AM Session 7:55 to 10:20) (PM Session 12:20 to 2:50 PM) Monday, January 17th Martin Luther King Day- No School Tuesday, January 18th Tentative return to in-person instruction · The Pre-Kindergarten schedules will be sent out to parents by the District Pre-Kindergarten Coordinator. · The Kindergarten through 5th Grade building principals will send out class rosters breaking each class into an AM and PM session alphabetically by last name (consideration will be made to keep siblings on the same remote learning schedule). · The Middle School principal will send out the Middle school students’ schedules that will include all of their daily classes spread across both the AM and PM sessions. HMS student athletic programs will continue to practice following IESA guidelines. Student sack breakfast and lunch will be available for pick up at each school building between 11:00 AM and Noon each day. Families who need internet connection may apply for free internet using this link: https://bit.ly/3HyvBCg It is our expectation at this time, that the Covid-19 Omicron wave will peak by January 9th or 10th so that we will be able to resume in-person classes on Tuesday, January 18th. If this date should change we will notify you as soon as possible. Please stay well and continue to wear face coverings and follow social distance guidelines. Sincerely, Dr. Troy Whalen, Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Ages 5-11 Pfizer Vaccine Event 12/10/2021 from 3:00 - 6:00
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Virtual Parent Cafe 12/8/2021 @ 9:30 am
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Parent Cafe
Parent Cafe
Winter or Holiday Piñata Family Workshop Taller Familiar de Piñata Festiva o Invernal Join us to decorate your own holiday Piñata (1 piñata per student) Únete a nosotros para decorar tu propia Piñata (1 piñata por estudiante)
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Family Workshop
Family Workshop
Wharton Toy Drive
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Toy Drive
Toy Drive
Family Wreath Making Workshop Taller Familiar de Fabricación de coronas December 1, 2021 MPR at Graves Heritage 6:00-7:00pm
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Wreath Making
Wreath Making
Parent Café Managing Stress
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Parent Cafe
Parent Cafe
Test to Stay for Close Contacts Wharton Parents, If your student is being Covid tested due to being a close contact, please email your child’s lab results to the school nurse (Nurse Lynn: LBURKE@SD104.US) when you receive them. It may take up to 72 hours to get the results and please check your “spam” mail. If you have not received the results, please call Nurse Lynn (708-458-0640 Ext. 7226).
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Adult ESL Program Fall Classes
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Adult ESL Program Fall Classes
Adult ESL Program Fall Classes
1St Place at the Cross-Country Meet
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
1St Place at the Cross-Country Meet
1St Place at the Cross-Country Meet
1St Place at the Cross-Country Meet
1St Place at the Cross-Country Meet
Cross Country Meet 1st Place
about 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Cross Country Meet
Cross Country Meet
Cross Country Meet
Cross Country Meet
Please see attached link for the latest newsletter: https://www.smore.com/1nxhc
over 3 years ago, Summit School District 104
5th Grade Families: Please join Mr. Tedeschi today, Wednesday September 29th, for our final in-person instrument rental sign-up from 3:00-5:00 PM at Heritage Middle School Door 3 (Back of the school beneath the large mural). For those unable to attend, please watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VWToVQqn64 All you need to do to join band is begin renting/acquire the instrument your child was recommended to play! Once you've done so, please let Mr. Tedeschi know via Email or Seesaw. Familias de 5to grado: únase al Sr. Tedeschi hoy, miércoles 29 de septiembre, para nuestra última inscripción para el alquiler de instrumentos en persona de 3: 00-5: 00 PM en la puerta 3 de Heritage Middle School (parte trasera de la escuela debajo del mural grande ). Para aquellos que no puedan asistir, miren el siguiente video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VWToVQqn64 ¡Todo lo que necesita hacer para unirse a la banda es comenzar a alquilar / adquirir el instrumento que se le recomendó tocar a su hijo! Una vez que lo haya hecho, avísele al Sr. Tedeschi por correo electrónico o balancín.
over 3 years ago, Summit School District 104
Homework Help
over 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Homework Help
Homework Help
Please join Mr. Tedeschi this Tuesday, September 21st at 7:00 PM for a Beginning Band Informational meeting through Zoom. The link is listed below: https://zoom.us/j/7082860685?pwd=SlBxOVdBNG1aYkRsUVhiQVFLQkt3QT09 ​Únase al Sr. Tedeschi este martes 21 de septiembre a las 7:00 PM para una reunión informativa de la banda para principiantes a través de Zoom. El enlace se enumera a continuación: https://zoom.us/j/7082860685?pwd=SlBxOVdBNG1aYkRsUVhiQVFLQkt3QT09
over 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker
Band Rental
over 3 years ago, Shestine Gesbocker