Due to road construction in Deep Summit, we will be temporarily relocating the bus stop on Douglas Ave and Hunt Street to Douglas Ave and 74th Ave. This will begin on Wednesday, September 15th. Thank you.
There is no doubt that the last 18 months have been very challenging on all fronts. The social work team wants to offer the best support that we can to our staff as well as our students/families. We know that, at times, staff does feel uncomfortable reaching out for support or sharing their own thoughts and feelings about what is going on. We are working hard to offer you space to do that this year. One way that we want to do this is by offering you an opportunity to share with us some of the things that may have impacted you over the last few months. While this is not required, we encourage you to complete this staff survey. Your answers are confidential and will only be reviewed by the social workers and school psychologists. We will be reaching out to all staff, regardless of survey completion, to offer support. However, information you provide here will help us best support you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your school social worker with any questions: Graves- Elizabeth Calderon or Michelle Mendez , Heritage- Michele Clark or Rebecca Stevens, Walker- Chris Hofer, Walsh- Maggie Fletcher, and Wharton- Meredith Schilsky.
Wharton picture day has been postponed due to the pandemic. We will update when a new date is set.
Wharton Picture Day
Wednesday, September 8th
Bus Schedule
Join us for our Back to School Bash on Friday, August 27th, 2021 @ Summit Park District! Festivities will begin at 4:30 PM and end at 7:30 PM We hope to see you there!
Wharton School Supply List
First Day of School
First Day of School Late Start (8:50 AM) Early Dismissal (1:50 PM)
Bus 2021-2022 School Year
If you plan on taking a bus next year please register your student on the link below.
2021-22 Bus Registration is here. Please click the link below to view bus schedules and times and register via the link on our website. Thank you.
Las registraciones para el autobús del 2021-2022 está aquí. En el enlace a continuación pueden ver el horario y los horarios de los autobuses y regístrense a través del enlace en nuestra pagina de web. Gracias.
Vaccines Are Available
The village along with cook county emergency management will continue to offer Covid 19 vaccination shots at Summit Park, Contact the Summit park district at 708 496 1012 for more information.
We still have space available for our workshop this Thursday, April 22nd please register ASAP so that we can get the supplies needed to you before the workshop.
Thank you
Todavía tenemos espacio disponible para nuestro taller este jueves 22 de abril. Regístrese lo antes posible para que podamos hacerle llegar los suministros necesarios antes del taller. Gracias
Here is today's newsletter. Have a great weekend.
14 Day Positivity Rate over 8% Update
We are excited to announce that Mobile Care Chicago is coming back to SD 104! They will offer no-cost dental care for all SD 104 students. The mobile dental bus will be outside of Walsh school on April 19th and then outside of Wharton School on April 20th.
Dental exams are required for all kindergarten, 2nd grade, 6th grade and freshman students. If your child has not seen the dentist this school year, please call for an appointment! Appointments made now will also count for next school years requirement so please come out if your student if in PreK, 5th or 8th grade to be ready for 2021-2022 registration.
¡Nos complace anunciar que Mobile Care Chicago regresará al Distrito 104! Ofrecerán atención dental sin costo para todos los estudiantes del distrito 104. El autobús dental móvil estará fuera de la escuela Walsh el 19 de abril y luego fuera de la escuela Wharton el 20 de abril.
Se requieren exámenes dentales para todos los estudiantes de Kinder, 2ndo grado, 6to grado y Freshmen de secundaria. Si su hijo(a) no ha visto al dentista este año escolar, ¡llame para programar una cita! Las citas hechas ahora también contarán para el requisito del próximo año escolar, por favor, si su estudiante está en PreK, 5to, o 8vo grado venga para estar listo para la inscripción de 2021-2022.
Here is this week's newsletter. Have a great break!
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Dear Parents,
The district is eager to welcome back students in Kindergarten – 8th grade back to schools on Tuesday, April 6th. In our efforts to ensure that all students are safe and secure while here on campus, the district will be utilizing a new digital daily health screener called Safety iPass. Parents of all students returning to school in person will need to complete the Safety iPass digital health screener each morning before students will be allowed to enter the building or board a school bus.
Each morning at 6:00 am, an email will be sent to the email address that you have provided to the school with instructions for completing the Safety iPass digital health screener. Simply answer the questions for your child each day before coming to school. Within that email are instructions to register and download the Crisisgo app, which may be used to complete the daily health screener as well. You may use the email or the app to access the daily Safety iPass screener. Please note that you must register to use the app using the email you will receive on Tuesday, April 6th before using the app.
Upon arrival to school or before boarding the school bus, school staff will clear your child for entry into the building or the bus in one of two ways:
• As parents complete the screener, a QR code will be delivered to your email or to your device. Present this QR code on your phone to a staff member who will clear your child for entry to school or to board the bus;
• Present the laminated QR code badge provided to your child to building staff who will scan it and clear your child for entry or to board the bus.
If you have not completed the digital Safety iPass health screener and attempt to enter the building or board a bus, your child will not be allowed to enter and will have to be screened by school staff on-site. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
SD 104
Miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2021
Estimados padres:
El distrito está emocionado por dar la bienvenida a los estudiantes de kindergarten al octavo grado de regreso a las escuelas el martes 6 de abril. En nuestros esfuerzos por garantizar que todos los estudiantes estén seguros y protegidos mientras estén en las escuelas, el distrito utilizará un nuevo evaluador de salud diario digital llamado Safety iPass. Los padres de todos los estudiantes que regresen a la escuela en persona deberán completar el evaluador de salud digital Safety iPass cada mañana antes de que se les permita a los estudiantes ingresar al edificio o abordar a un autobús.
Cada mañana a las 6:00 am, se enviará un correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico que proporcionó a la escuela con instrucciones para completar el evaluador de salud digital Safety iPass. Simplemente responda las preguntas para su hijo(a) todos los días antes de venir a la escuela. Dentro de ese correo electrónico hay instrucciones para registrarse y descargar la aplicación Crisisgo, que también puede usarse para completar el examen de salud diario. Puede usar el correo electrónico o la aplicación para acceder al control diario Safety iPass. Tenga en cuenta que debe registrarse para usar la aplicación utilizando el correo electrónico que recibirá el martes 6 de abril antes de usar la aplicación.
A su llegada, el personal de la escuela autorizará la entrada de su hijo(a) al edificio o al autobús de una de estas dos maneras:
• Cuando los padres completen la evaluación, se enviará un código QR a su correo electrónico o celular. Presente este código QR en su teléfono a un miembro del personal que autorizará la entrada de su hijo(a) a la escuela a autobús;
• Presente la placa de código QR laminada que se le proporcionó a su hijo(a) al personal del edificio, quien la escaneará y autorizará la entrada de su hijo(a) a la escuela o al autobús.
Si no ha completado el examen de salud digital Safety iPass e intenta ingresar al edificio a abordar un autobús, su hijo(a) no podrá ingresar y el personal de la escuela tendrá que ser examinado en el lugar. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la oficina de la escuela.
SD 104
Hybrid Learning:
April 6, 2021
7:45 - 10:20
Door 2 Walker/Car
Door 8 Bus
Uniforms: Maroon Polo and Black Pants
You MUST check your student in with CrisisGo (www.crisisgo.net)
Dear District 104 Parents
Please be aware if your child will be returning to in person learning, you will be completing a Covid-19 assessment every morning before your child will be allowed to enter the school building. District 104 wants to make all parents aware the assessment includes taking your child’s temperature at home. Students will not get a second temperature check before entering the building in accordance with the new CDC prescreening guidelines. Please make sure to check your child’s temperature and if it is 100.4 or higher, your child should remain home, and the school office should be contacted.
Thank you.
The District 104 Nurses
Here is our newsletter. Enjoy!
Supply Pickup - Thursday 3/11/2021 - 9:00-12:00 - Door 5